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Expressive Networking : How to Exude Confidence & Get Your Dream Job!

Hello Artists and Leaders, A few days ago, I attended an incredible seminar about verbal and nonverbal communication in order to help you excel throughout life. Working behind the scenes throughout the Entertainment Industry, I've witnessed candidates get evaluated by directors and hiring managers from the moment they enter the room. I've also witnessed people blow an entire audition simply because of their behavior in the waiting room. I've seen just as many candidates have their applications pulled to the top of the pile because of the warmth they exude, and their killer smile. In today's culture, our non-verbal communication matters just as much as our verbal communication. If you want to exude confidence in your next interview and get the job of your dreams, keep reading! 1. Wear Blue!

Colors are such an important factor when developing your personal brand. Most people like to wear black to an interview however, black is a very common color and will most likely be worn by 90% of your competition. The goal in any networking event or interview is to be REMEMBERED, and if you want to be remembered for being a trustworthy, team player, you can't go wrong with wearing blue.

Blue exudes trust and confidence, and studies show that you are more likely to get the job when you wear navy blue to an interview than any other color. Therefore, whether your next job is corporate, creative or casual, if you're an individual who has high integrity and wants to stand out in a positive way among the competition, throw some blue in that wardrobe!

2. Open Hands, Open Heart!

Hiring Managers read body language to select the best candidate for the job! Therefore, your eye contact with a hiring manager is just as important as your hand gestures. You never want to hide your hands or have them folded too harshly in your lap during an interview, as this may have you come off as standoffish, and unreliable.

Instead place your hands open in your lap. If you're sitting at a table, then loosely fold your hands directly on the table, leaning into the conversation to show the hiring manager you're an active listener. This will indicate to the manager that you're confident, a self-starter, open and honest.

3. Be Bold and Be Yourself!

An interview is not an interrogation process, but an opportunity for the hiring manager to get to know you as an individual, and how you'd be able to contribute to the company.

Although it’s perfectly normal to be nervous, you always want to remember that you were called into the interview because you're qualified! There is something unique and special about you that caused YOU stand out amongst hundreds of other applicants. So, don't be shy to brag about You. Hiring managers would much rather hire someone who is bold and confident, than timid and shy. So never second guess yourself and your abilities. Proudly display them and let your personality steal the show! 4. You're never fully dressed without a SMILE!

Did you know that smiling is contagious? Per, a Swedish study had test subjects look at photos of several different emotions: joy, anger, fear and surprise. Without being promoted to do so, the test subjects mimicked the emotions on the photos they were shown. Meaning, if you wear that beautiful smile of yours while the hiring manager is talking, it's more than likely they can't help but smile back! 5. BUT FIRST, SHOW OFF THAT SELFIE!

When sending emails, or passing out your business card, make sure your photo is always present. Whether it’s on your email signature, or on your business card, having a professional headshot of yourself will help people remember who you are. Again, the key is to be remembered so make sure the image shown is always your best shot.

#BossTip: When taking your headshot ,try to stand at an angle. Pictures with our face and body straight on can come off a little harsh, but everyone looks better standing at an angle! This will help you look your very best in your professional headshot and be remembered by the hiring manager

I hope these tips help you land your next dream job! What advice do you have to stand out in your next interview? Please leave comments below, and don't forget to like and share this article with your friends. I wish you the best of luck, and always remember to never give up on your dreams! Stay Inspired, Jazmyn Edmonds

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