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Are you a giver or a taker?

Hello Artists & Leaders,

I hope your new year has started on a great note! If you're anything like me at the beginning of each year you take a deep breath and tell yourself out with the old, in with the new. You then get your vision boards, journals or social media ready to create and share the infamous New Year’s Resolution. Each year it’s the same thing: lose weight, try new things, read more. Eventually, those resolutions end up getting replaced with well......, life.

With all the craziness life throws at us along with school, families, relationships, and trying to maintain a social life, those resolutions sometimes just don't make the cut. In fact, statistics show that while 80% of people admit to creating a New Year’s resolution each year, only 8% of people achieve them

This got me to thinking. Although, it's highly important to self-improve, why are these lists becoming less and less efficient each year? That's when I realized that we are living in a society where more people are focused on "what can I get out of this", rather than thinking " how I can help someone else, without expecting anything in return." When I thought back to moments in my life where I've learned the most, it all started with one question...How can I help you?

In this TED TALK by Organizational Psychologist Adam Grant, you will learn how to promote a culture of generosity in your business and everyday life.

If you enjoyed this TED TALK, please make sure to like, share and leave a comment below. How do you plan on giving back and sewing into someone's life this year?

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